If you are facing a career change—or in the midst of it—you know it can be challenging, exciting, terrifying, liberating, or all of these at once. The need to change jobs may be evident in negative factors on the company’s horizon, a perception of a dead-end position, or thrust upon you by lay-off, termination, or business failure. Whatever the reason for a career change, you need a plan.
The elements of initial assessment for job change mirror those of career choice -- a thorough exploration of who you are and what you want, and what stands in the way.Together Aaron and Dave help you develop a specific plan, with new or expanded job targets suggested by the assessment, and define action steps proven to move you in the direction of alternative job possibilities, including self-employment.
Once we identify targets, we will dig into titles, industries, companies, or nonprofit organizations that might suit you. Then we’ll help you reality-test your skills and experiences against the potential job market through counselor-arranged informational interviews.
Beyond networking and building contacts, we will help you structure the search and set contact goals. We will also focus on the tools and skillsets essential to obtaining an offer: building a stand-out résumé and LinkedIn profile, preparing to sell your strengths and accomplishments in an interview, and learning effective negotiation skills to optimize salary and benefits. Contact us to get help making a career change in Portland, Oregon, and get into a new career sooner!
“After graduating with a health science degree and taking the first job that came my way, I found myself years later in a manufacturing sales position and wanting to be in healthcare. Not sure where to start, I went to Dave to help me organize my search, identify positions of interest, and translate my skill set.
Not only did I get help creating a résumé and preparing for interviews but Dave helped me manage difficult work relationships, transition out of my current role, and create a professional network to launch a new career.
I was worried that making a career change in this economy meant that I’d need to start from the bottom and work my way up. Dave’s coaching, however, helped me target my search and find comparable positions in the healthcare field. I landed my dream job! As a result I was able to make a lateral move into a healthcare role that offers more opportunities for growth and future advancement.”
-Emily M
Career Change After a Job Loss
Get help adapting to the often major changes in your life and rebuild your sense of meaning and identity.
Develop and execute a focused and effective job search campaign.
Connect with industry contacts provided by your counselor.
Contact us to learn more about career counseling after a job loss.
Career Change: Self-Initiated
Network and build contacts before leaving your existing position.
Prepare for interviews, negotiations, and more.
Contact us about career counseling for initiating a career change.